22-23-24 November 2019
Complete theoretical and practical course on the formulation and application of basic glazes and the processes to create the own glazes with crystals. The program of the Crystal Glazes of the expert José Maria Mariscal provides the formulations of glazes and frits best suited to the cristals, the theory on crystallizations, temperatures, applications and methods of firing, reduction and post-reduction, treatments with acids and the formulation for red backgrounds.
José Maria Mariscal
José Maria Mariscal, borns in the ceramics citty La Bisbal d’Empordà, Spain is the son of a potter. After a long experience as a jiggerman, he opened his potter studio in 2003 and experimented with engobes, raku, copper and crystal glazs and collaborated with artists Peter Ilsey and Manolo Sierra. He has participated in various fairs, masterclasses and symposiums in the United States, Europe, Israel and Australia.
I find the perfection of crystalline glazes with the perfect amount of crystalls between the backround and the surface. My forms are classic and conservative and I have the ability to control the placement of the crystalls in the surface. I can’t stop to research in Crystalline glazes and I Love to experiment this technique in my gaz kiln. Now I am working in reduction in crystalline glazes and the most important: developping crystalls in reduction and my first attempts gives me very exiting results.
The 20-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Friday and Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday.
Included in the Workshop cost:
20 hours of teaching | all the necessary materials | firings | nr. 3 brunch lunch | a box with the samples of the materials used during the workshop
Teacher: José Maria Mariscal
Translator and assistant: Martha Pachon
Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish
Download the CV of José Maria Mariscal
Download the full program in pdf
To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.
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PIT FIRE | Giovanni Cimatti
25-26 Maggio 2019
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Docente: Giovanni Cimatti Scarica il programma in formato pdfTo confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.
11-12 May 2019
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The 14-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday.
Included in the Workshop cost: 14 hours of teaching | all the necessary materials | firings | nr. 2 brunch lunch | a box with the samples of the materials used during the workshopTeacher: Martha Pachon Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish
Download the full program in pdf
To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.
The Pearl, from the beginning to the end
22, 23 and 24 june 2018
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Download the application form in pdf Download the program in pdf
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A workshop in search of movement, rhythm, the absence of gravity, fragility and transparency. Paula Bastiaansen will show you the use of porcelain so light that this body will become almost immaterial.
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Dowload the Paula Bastiaansen CV
Download the application form in pdf Download the full program in pdf
Ceramic maze: the clays
27 and 28 January 2018
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3 - 4 february 2018
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6, 7 and 8 April 2018
Two techniques distant in time and in geography, one technique, with slip porcelain and another with body porcelain, come together in a complex but fascinating technique with a wide variety of applications, from the unique piece to small series. To make the most of the potential of these techniques: Jasper and Nerikomi, the students will perform different exercises to get to know their fragility, strength and refinement. All the process and derivations for applications to different kind of objects, corrections of cracks, breakages and deformation.
Program: - Totally practical lessons with a theoretical chapter by technology. - Preparation of colored slip porcelain, recipe and percentages. - Preparation of colored body porcelain, recipe and percentages. - Creation of small pieces with different color combinations. - Methods of creating organic or geometric motifs. - Methods of including one technique on the other. - Surface finishing method. - Biscuit firing. - Finishing and corrections after biscuit firing. - Methods of positioning of the pieces into the kiln for high firing. Special features to avoid deformation and breakage. - Finishing and corrections after the last firing.The 20-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Friday and Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday.
Teacher: Martha Pachon
Download the application form in pdf Download the program in pdf
Extraordinary japanese constructions with Kazuko Uga
10 and 11 October 2018
A complex and fascinating technique focused on the personal artistic work of Kazuko Uga. The construction of the liquid porcelain will allow us to develop contemporary projects of great beauty, refinement and lightness. Course of construction of objects with the use of white and pigmented liquid porcelain. Course of construction of objects with the use of slip porcelain and treatment of surfaces in the Japanese style. Preparation of porcelain, recipes. Drying, firing, glazing, corrections of cracks and deformations.
The artist will be on show in Faenza from the 9th to the 21st of October as part of the "Japanese October" Festival.
PROGRAM: Fully practical lessons with a theoretical chapter dedicated to the preparation of slip withe and coloured porcelain. First day: Preparation of liquid porcelain, precautions. Preparation of liquid coloured porcelain, recipes and percentages. Methods of slip casting porcelain. Construction with the small parts, finishing, drying. Firing, kiln management for high temperature. Second day: Finishing and cleaning pieces, tricks and corrections. Evaluation of results. Design of new pieces for both sculpture and use. Video-projection of the artist's works.The 14-hours workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Wednesday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Thursday.
Teacher: Kazuko Uga Translator and assistant: Martha Pachon Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish, Japanese Download the Kazuko Uga CV Download the application form in pdf Download the full program in pdf