23-24-25 October 2020
Multitechnic Course of Body and Slip Porcelain
Inspired by the new developments of contemporary ceramics, both utilitarian and decorative, sculptural or any application that can be made of this precious material, this workshop is structured as a laboratory of “multiprocesses” to know and master the basic techniques of slip and body porcelain. Understanding porcelain in a practical, direct, easy and fast way will be the goal of this course. Participants will have at their disposal different techniques, some simple and other complex, with and without the use of molds, with the possibility of glazing also in single firing, with theoretical chapter dedicated in detail to all the questions regarding porcelain: drying, breakage, deformation, firing curves, etc.
The 20-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Friday and Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday.
Included in the Workshop cost:
20 hours of teaching | all the necessary materials | firings | nr. 3 brunch lunch | a box with the samples of the materials used during the workshop
Teacher: Martha Pachon
Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish
Download the full program in pdf
To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total
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Thousand bubbles
10 and 11 March 2018
Una delle premesse in campo ceramico, fondamento della didattica e della tecnologia stabilisce che non vi devono essere bolle di aria negli impasti ceramici ma...
E' anche vero che la presenza di bolle e la stessa porosità delle argille favorisce l'isolamento termico, l'essiccazione e la leggerezza. Con impasti a struttura spugnosa si ottengono forme facilmente lavorabili a secco/crudo per mezzo del taglio, incisione o abrasione, una lavorabilità a biscotto simile a quella dell'osso di seppia, durezza inaspettata dopo la cottura finale e il peso vicino a quello dei poliuretani espansi.
Da questa scelta parte la possibilità di creare forme legate in particolare al campo della scultura dove i problemi dello svuotamento delle forme viene superato velocizzando le cotture. Infine e in relazione alla dimensione delle microbolle inserite sarà possibile anche l'applicazione di patine, ingobbi e rivestimenti anche vetrosi.
Programma: metodi di realizzazione di schiume e la loro introduzione nelle argille - colatura della schiuma argillosa - essiccamento - scultura a secco crudo per taglio/incisione - cottura ad alta temperatura in forno elettrico - sfornata - applicazione di rivestimento tipo smalto oro - cottura a media temperatura - lezioni di tecnologia ceramica. Per motivi di tempo e aumentare l'esperienza sulla tecnica saranno forniti ai partecipanti anche alcuni blocchetti di argilla porosa già essiccati.
Il corso di 14 ore dura dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 17:00 del sabato e dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 16.00 della domenica. Docente: Maestro Giovanni Cimatti Scarica il modulo di iscrizione in formato pdf Scarica il volantino in formato pdfFULL IMMERSION IN THE MULTICOLORED PORCELAIN | Martha Pachon
12-13-14 July 2019
One of the finest qualities of porcelain is its sensuality to the touch, plus the surface can be enriched with vibrant colors or sharp contrasts of black and white. There are ancient and complex techniques of the "Neriage" family which, with a modern twist, allow to express, through many aesthetic solutions, from a jewel, a vase, a sculpture, an object, to a complex installation. Among the constructive techniques of colored body porcelain, by hand and with mold will be the contemporary revisiting of: L'Agata, Jasper, Zebra, Nerikomi, Mosaico with composite tiles and Mishima.
To take full advantage of the potential of these techniques, all the possible exercises will be carried out to get to know their strength and refinement. In addition, the realization of all the techniques will be followed by the tricks to avoid problems, breakages or deformations, reaching the maximum of beauty in the colors.
The 20-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Friday and Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday.
Included in the Workshop cost: 20 hours of teaching | all the necessary materials | firings | nr. 3 brunch lunch | a box with the samples of the materials used during the workshopTeacher: Martha Pachon Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish
Download the full program in pdf
To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.
Translucent porcelain
17 and 18 March 2018
Transparency is one of the most important qualities of porcelain and usually, requires a prolonged, precise and very accurate processing to obtain a fine beauty piece highlighted by the translucenty. This course allows you to develop two simple and immediate techniques that will facilitate and strengthen creativity to develop many projects without the use of large resources and experience in the field of porcelain techniques. We will use slip porcelain without the use of molds and with a single-firing.
PROGRAM: Totally practical lessons, preparation of the material and basic forms. Use of slip porcelain and construction with two totally different techniques. Surface treatment, controlled drying and finishing. Methods to avoid deformation and breakage during the process and all the special features of the specific firing for this technique. Recover broken complex variations of the techniques and the surface with the use of color introduced into the slip the porcelain. Production of pieces to project in small series for use or decoration. pieces or cracks with specific recipe. Finally, more co. The 14-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday. Teacher: Martha PachonVolcanic landscapes with Rafa Peréz
23, 24 and 25 November 2018
The use of shoot high temperatures with conventional clays in contrast with porcelain, surprising effects for results between the predictable and the unpredictable. Rafa Pérez introduces us to his methods that have made him famous in the field of contemporary ceramic sculpture.
PROGRAM: - Fully practical lessons. - Use of different techniques to obtain a wide range of results. - Use of blocks with different types of clays at the same time. - Alternative chemical treatments to the techniques. - Production of pieces, firing, evaluation and reproduction of new pieces. The 20-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Friday and Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday. Teacher: Rafa Pérez Translator and Assistant: Martha Pachon Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish Download the application form in pdf Download the full program in pdfIMMEDIATE TRANSPARENCIES | Martha Pachon
11-12 May 2019
Transparency is one of the most important qualities of porcelain and usually requires a prolonged, precise and very accurate processing to obtain a piece of fine beauty highlighted by the translucency of the light. This course allows you to develop two simple and immediate techniques that will facilitate and strengthen creativity to develop many projects without the use of large resources and experience in the field of porcelain.
We will use the slip porcelain without the use of molds and single-firing and the two techniques, one for objects with organic shapes and another for objects with geometric shapes and more precise.
The 14-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday.
Included in the Workshop cost: 14 hours of teaching | all the necessary materials | firings | nr. 2 brunch lunch | a box with the samples of the materials used during the workshopTeacher: Martha Pachon Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish
Download the full program in pdf
To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.
Discovering Porcelain 2
6, 7 and 8 July 2018
PORCELAIN is a material that requires a prolonged, precise and very accurate processing to obtain pieces of exquisite beauty. The different techniques faced with this material allow us to highlight two important qualities, TRANSPARENCY and SMOTHY to the touch.
This course allows you to develop simple basic techniques, all tricks to avoid cracks, breakages, deformations, the secrets to recover a broken piece, the knowledge of the correct drying and the different firing curves.
We would use body and slip porcelain with and without the use of single and double-fired molds. The purpose is to ENHANCE CREATIVITY WITH THE RIGHT KNOWLEDGE OF ALL RESOURCES IN THE FIELD OF PORCELAIN AND ITS QUALITY OF TRANSPARENCY AND WITHOUT GOING CRAZY!
Program: - Fully practical lessons with a theoretical chapter for basic technology: - Preparation of the slip and body porcelain recipe and percentages. - Slip casting porcelain methods with and without molds. - Methods of achieving transparency. - Method of constructions with slabs or small fragments. - Precautions in drying, firing and finishing. - How to obtain smooth surfaces. - How to glaze with simple means. - How to recover broken or craked pieces. - Firing curves and how to place fragile pieces in the kiln, use of alumina. - Corrections after biscuit and finishing after last firing. The 20-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Friday and Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday. Teacher: Martha Pachon Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish Download the application form in pdf Download the program in pdfSilk-screen printing Workshop
12, 13 and 14 May 2017
Questo corso ha lo scopo di fornire le conoscenze necessarie per creare le proprie decalcomanie vetrificabili e stamparle su diversi supporti ceramici o vetrosi. Inoltre attraverso la stampa grafica su ceramica, il corsista sarà introdotto a un campo poco esplorato, il vincolo dell’immagine ceramica con la lettura virtuale incorporando i codici QR. Questi codici offrono l’opportunità di reindirizzare la ceramica sul concetto di un progetto web (un blog, una pagina, una libreria virtuale, un videogioco, ecc.)Il corsista sarà introdotto nella pratica della elaborazione di una matrice, l’incisione in seta, la pulizia e il recupero dei telai, l’applicazione delle decalcomanie, l’uso di diversi supporti, la preparazione degli smalti e delle cotture. Sarà inoltre in grado di installare il proprio laboratorio di serigrafia con i più bassi costi possibili di attrezzature e risparmio dello spazio.
BIOGRAFIA SILVIA BARRIOSArtista e ricercatrice nata in Argentina. Si è specializzata nel campo dei nuovi media e delle tecnologie interattive applicate sulle arti del fuoco.Il suo tema di interesse attuale la “Ceramica Intelligente” deriva degli incontri fra la Serigrafia Ceramica e i processi creativi dei multimedia incentrati sulla bio-arte, l’elettronica, l’intelligenza artificiale e le arti digitali unitamente alle culture popolari sudamericane.Silvia Barrios è stata invitata con i suoi laboratori e istallazioni alla Biennale della Havana, la Biennale di SaoPaulo, e la Biennale di Mercosur, Buenos Aires. Ha realizzato diversi progetti internazionali, e ha esposto indiversi nazioni, fra loro, Cina, Italia, Spagna, Portogallo, Cuba, Argentina, Colombia, Ecuador e Perù.
Programma: Lezioni pratiche e teoriche finalizzate allo sviluppo della impressione di una immagine fotografica su un sopporto ceramico terroso o vitreo, crudo, biscottato o smaltato e anche sul vetro. Elaborazione della matrice, trattamento della seta per l’incisione. Pulizia e recupero dei telai. Applicazione delle decalcomanie. Uso dei diversi supporti: terracotta, terraglia, gres, porcellana, vetro. Preparazione degli smalti per serigrafia. Cotture a diversi ambienti. Come istallare il proprio laboratorio di serigrafia. Introduzione del codice QR alla serigrafia. Conferenza audiovisiva – Riassunto del processo per consolidare le conoscenze – Test e valutazione dei risultati Riflessioni sulla introduzione dei codici multi mediatici e la progettazione sul campo della ceramica contemporanea – Panorama dei progetti innovatori della ceramica nel campo della elettronica, intelligenza artificiale, bioscienza e robotica. Conclusioni con una mostra di un progetto artistico di gruppo dei corsisti.
Le forme saranno realizzate seguendo le indicazioni del docente, saranno cotte e consegnate entro i tempi del corso stesso. Il corso di 20 ore dura dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 17:00 del venerdì, dalle 9.00 alle ore 17:00 del sabato e dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 16.00 della domenica. Docente: Silvia BarriosTHE MAGIC OF COLORS IN TRANSLUCENT PORCELAIN | Martha Pachon
18-19-20 October 2019
Transparency is one of the most important qualities of porcelain and usually requires a prolonged, precise and very accurate processing to obtain a piece of exquisite beauty highlighted by translucency. The evocative techniques presented in this course will have an important role in the creative process for those who want to build and draw with the light and color in porcelain.
We will use the slip porcelain with and without the use of molds. And above all, the participants will be able to dominate the most important aspects of the porcelain of great thinness: the drying, the impediment of the deformation and the firing.
The 20-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Friday and Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday.
Included in the Workshop cost:20 hours of teaching | all the necessary materials | firings | nr. 3 brunch lunch | a box with the samples of the materials used during the workshop
Teacher: Martha Pachon Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish
Download the full program in pdf
To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.