Showing 28–36 of 90 results

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PIT FIRE | Giovanni Cimatti

17-18 October 2020

La ceramica affrontata a meta tra primitivo e contemporaneità per indagare nuovi stadi della postmodernità dove non è solo l'opera al centro ma sopratutto il modo con cui la si ottiene. Applicheremo terre sigillate per ottenere superfici lucide da sola argilla senza levigatura e cristalline inattese in questa tecnica.

Arriveranno, dopo la seconda cottura a legna, lagune di nerofumo su fondi bianchi, lustri di rosso rame in riduzione e cavilli anneriti a zona.

Il corso di 14 ore inizia alle ore 9.00 e termina alle ore 17:00 del sabato e inizia alle ore 9:00 e termina alle ore 16.00 della domenica.

Compreso nel corso:

14 ore di docenza | i materiali necessari allo svolgimento del corso | le cotture | nr. 2 pasti brunch (colazione e pranzo) | una scatola omaggio (con campionatura dei materiali utilizzati durante il corso)

Docente: Giovanni Cimatti Scarica il programma in formato pdf

To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.


23-24-25 October 2020

Multitechnic Course of Body and Slip Porcelain 

Inspired by the new developments of contemporary ceramics, both utilitarian and decorative, sculptural or any application that can be made of this precious material, this workshop is structured as a laboratory of "multiprocesses" to know and master the basic techniques of slip and body porcelain. Understanding porcelain in a practical, direct, easy and fast way will be the goal of this course. Participants will have at their disposal different techniques, some simple and other complex, with and without the use of molds, with the possibility of glazing also in single firing, with theoretical chapter dedicated in detail to all the questions regarding porcelain: drying, breakage, deformation, firing curves, etc.


The 20-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Friday and Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday.

Included in the Workshop cost: 20 hours of teaching | all the necessary materials | firings | nr. 3 brunch lunch | a box with the samples of the materials used during the workshop

Teacher: Martha Pachon Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish

Download the full program in pdf

To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.

IL RAKU DOLCE | Giovanni Cimatti

15-16 May 2021

Il Raku Dolce è un'idea che Giovanni Cimatti ha avuto alla fine degli anni 90' e che si distingue dal Raku cosiddetto per la ridotta fumigazione e l'impiego di argille senza chamotte.

Queste diversità consentono un maggior ordine e pulizia del sistema Raku: Si estraggono le forme ad una temperatura più bassa, si riduce al minimo il fumo prodotto e le forme non devono essere quasi mai pulite. Anche le stesse forme possono avere un'ottima finitura delle superfici ed avere un'integrità molto elevata.

A tutto questo si associa la bella ricerca che può essere fatta di argille che trattate forniscono ingobbi e patine del genere Terre sigillate aretine.

Infine il fondamentale aspetto molto contemporaneo, per il rispetto ambientale, che prevede la possibilità di eseguire le forme a Raku Dolce con ingobbi e smalti applicati su terra secca in una sola cottura (monocottura). Giovanni Cimatti porterà in uso al corso il personale forno a gas e tratterà degli aspetti legati alle cotture Raku in generale.

Durante il corso verranno fatte esperienze di applicazione di una formula già sviluppata che sarà possibile colorare e applicare su supporti semplici che verranno realizzati la mattina del sabato e che essiccheranno durante la pausa pranzo.

Il corso di 14 ore inizia alle ore 9.00 e termina alle ore 17:00 del sabato e inizia alle ore 9:00 e termina alle ore 16.00 della domenica.

Compreso nel corso:

14 ore di docenza | i materiali necessari allo svolgimento del corso | le cotture | nr. 2 pasti brunch (colazione e pranzo) | una scatola omaggio (con campionatura dei materiali utilizzati durante il corso)

Docente: Giovanni Cimatti Scarica il programma in formato pdf Per confermare l'acquisto occorre versare l'acconto o l'intero importo seguendo la procedura sottostante.


21-22-23 May 2021

Multitechnic Course of Body and Slip Porcelain 

Inspired by the new developments of contemporary ceramics, both utilitarian and decorative, sculptural or any application that can be made of this precious material, this workshop is structured as a laboratory of "multiprocesses" to know and master the basic techniques of slip and body porcelain. Understanding porcelain in a practical, direct, easy and fast way will be the goal of this course. Participants will have at their disposal different techniques, some simple and other complex, with and without the use of molds, with the possibility of glazing also in single firing, with theoretical chapter dedicated in detail to all the questions regarding porcelain: drying, breakage, deformation, firing curves, etc.


The 20-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Friday and Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday.

Included in the Workshop cost: 20 hours of teaching | all the necessary materials | firings | nr. 3 brunch lunch | a box with the samples of the materials used during the workshop

Teacher: Martha Pachon Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish

Download the full program in pdf

To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.


29-30 May 2021

Imparare a lavorare con gli smalti, l'applicazione facile, la decorazione e la cottura della ceramica.

Quanta acqua si deve aggiungere nella preparazione dello smalto? Come si deve procedere per fare una buona applicazione? In questo corso vogliamo introdurvi alla smaltatura dei manufatti ceramici fornendo alcune competenze specifiche di base. Partiremo dalla conoscenza dei prodotti (Smalti, Cristalline, Colori, etc.) con le loro peculiarità, inizieremo da come si dove procedere nella loro preparazione e termineremo con la possibilità di provare le principali tecniche di smaltatura e con una guida alla cottura ceramica.

In particolare tratteremo l’applicazione per immersione, per spruzzatura con aerografo e la smaltatura a pennello con l'ausilio di particolari veicoli che consentono una migliore applicazione. Verranno presentati i passaggi necessari per ottenere effetti nei rivestimenti anche con applicazioni in più strati che saranno realizzati su supporti in argilla, già cotti, forniti dall'organizzazione: terracotta, terraglia tenera, terracotta di argilla da gres e semirefrattaria da Raku.

Ed infine saranno affrontati anche i difetti che si riscontrano nella smaltatura e a questo proposito è possibile portare eventuali lavori personali finiti sulle cui problematiche sarà possibile svolgere una interessante lezione.

Compreso nel corso:

14 ore di docenza | i materiali necessari allo svolgimento del corso | le cotture | nr. 2 pasti brunch (colazione e pranzo) | una scatola omaggio (con campionatura dei materiali utilizzati durante il corso)

Docente: Vilma Bosi Scarica il programma in formato pdf

To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.



12-13 June 2021

Slip porcelain without use of the mold and in sigle firing

A suggestive technique that allows to highlight the most important quality of porcelain: translucency. Enriched by colour and volume, that is to say, important reliefs, the translucency through this course, will be the final goal. This course allows you to develop creativity applied to utilitarian or decorative objects and sculpture. We would make use of a particular mixture and a technique that does not need large resources, but a carefully proceeded, refinement and calm. The colour and the opaque surfaces in contrast with the shiny surfaces could be obtained by single firing or double firing.

In addition, participants will be able to master other knowledge such as drying, impediment of deformation and firing.

The 14-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday.

Included in the Workshop cost: 14 hours of teaching | all the necessary materials | firings | nr. 2 brunch lunch | a box with the samples of the materials used during the workshop

Teacher: Martha Pachon Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish

Download the full program in pdf

To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.

MY FUNNY GLAZES | Maite Larena


17-18-19-20-21 June 2021

When we approach ceramic glazes, the first impression is of immensity ... where do I start? What are the raw materials? Which glazes will fit my pieces? The development of custom glazes is particularly attractive to most potters. In this course, following a simple methodology, working methods will be taught to plan the development of glazes and obtain a large quantity of them. In this way we will expand the development of colouring, textures, applications and aesthetic results applicable to the author's ceramics. A laboratory for testing ceramic glazes for 1240-60 ° C is proposed, both for firing in an electric kiln and in a gas kiln. An extensive documentation will be provided, which will be examined in presentations and theoretical speeches interspersed with the work of the workshop, as well as computerized archiving systems for ceramic recipes.

Maite Larena Graduated in chemistry at the University of Valencia, Spain and self-taught ceramist. Larena's career is divided between artistic and technical work. In addition to her personal and collective exhibitions with the series of special glazed containers; Maite has been invited to several international conferences as a highly experienced researcher in the field of ceramic glazes and stains. He has published 11 specialized articles on glaze coverings and developed 6 projects subsidized by the Spanish government on ceramic research. And for several years he is the head of the research, development and production of glazes and stains of PRODESCO S.L. and of AICE-ITC, Research Association of Spanish Ceramics Industries. In the field of teaching, for many years, she was professor of the Department of Materials and Ceramic Technology of the Scuola Superiore d'Arte de Manises, Spain.

The 35-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday.

Included in the Workshop cost: 35 hours of teaching | all the necessary materials | firings | nr. 5 brunch lunch | a box with the samples of the materials used during the workshop Teacher:  Maite Larena Translator and assistant: Included Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish Download the CV of Maite Larena Download the full program in pdf

To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.

MY FUNNY GLAZES | Maite Larena

23-24-25-26-27 June 2021

When we approach ceramic glazes, the first impression is of immensity ... where do I start? What are the raw materials? Which glazes will fit my pieces? The development of custom glazes is particularly attractive to most potters. In this course, following a simple methodology, working methods will be taught to plan the development of glazes and obtain a large quantity of them. In this way we will expand the development of colouring, textures, applications and aesthetic results applicable to the author's ceramics. A laboratory for testing ceramic glazes for 1240-60 ° C is proposed, both for firing in an electric kiln and in a gas kiln. An extensive documentation will be provided, which will be examined in presentations and theoretical speeches interspersed with the work of the workshop, as well as computerized archiving systems for ceramic recipes.

Maite Larena Graduated in chemistry at the University of Valencia, Spain and self-taught ceramist. Larena's career is divided between artistic and technical work. In addition to her personal and collective exhibitions with the series of special glazed containers; Maite has been invited to several international conferences as a highly experienced researcher in the field of ceramic glazes and stains. He has published 11 specialized articles on glaze coverings and developed 6 projects subsidized by the Spanish government on ceramic research. And for several years he is the head of the research, development and production of glazes and stains of PRODESCO S.L. and of AICE-ITC, Research Association of Spanish Ceramics Industries. In the field of teaching, for many years, she was professor of the Department of Materials and Ceramic Technology of the Scuola Superiore d'Arte de Manises, Spain.

The 35-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday.

Included in the Workshop cost: 35 hours of teaching | all the necessary materials | firings | nr. 5 brunch lunch | a box with the samples of the materials used during the workshop Teacher:  Maite Larena Translator and assistant: Martha Pachon Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish Download the CV of Maite Larena Download the full program in pdf

To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.



02-03-04 July 2021

Multitechnic Course Porcelain Decoration

The decoration in porcelain has developed enormously on an industrial and semi-industrial level, but at the contemporary craft and artistic level, specialization, practice and perfection are required, avoiding high costs.

The course deals with two techniques with the preparation of engobes and glazes colors and with the possibility of single firing. A creative course that allows you to develop decoration for small series of decorative and utilitarian handicrafts and decoration in the field of contemporary sculpture.

It starts with the creation of samples of objects, passing through drying, preparation of materials, decoration, corrections and firings.

The 20-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Friday and Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday.

Included in the Workshop cost: 20 hours of teaching | all the necessary materials | firings | nr. 3 brunch lunch | a box with the samples of the materials used during the workshop

Teacher: Martha Pachon Languages: English, Italian, French, Spanish

Download the full program in pdf

To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.