15-16-17-18-19 May 2024
This course will cover plaster moulding | Maximum 4 participants.
Reproducing a shape for large or small productions, but also creating unique objects from a casting or pressure mould, simplifying the working processes; this is the dream of many ceramists.
The trainer Marco Malavolti will present an effective, simple and creative programme for the creation of multi-part casting and pressure moulds. The course will start with an idea and a personal project and will then develop a model which will be analysed before making your own mould.
The course is aimed at a group of a maximum of 4 people and this will give participants the opportunity to develop many of their own personal designs, even large ones.
Marco Malavolti
After graduating at Ballardini in Faenza, he started working in 1997 as a craftsman and immediately started collaborating with the International Museum of Ceramics, producing several works. At the same time, he also collaborated with Elena Agnini in Munich where he specialised in restoration. Also in 1997, he began teaching at the “T. Minardi” School where he held courses in basic and advanced ceramics. Over the next five years he specialised in moulding, becoming a reference point in Italy on this subject.
In 2002, he opened Manifatture Sottosasso, structuring various activities: his own production linked to the world of design, collaborations with artists and galleries (the most important include: Garutti Alberto, Siedlecki Namsal, Previti Riccardo, Simeti Francesco, Ornaghi e Prestinari, Galleria Minini, Galleria Zero, Galleria Continua, Fondazione Officine Saffi, Galleria Nilufar). Also, production for companies and collaborations with museums where he mainly works on moulding (among the most important museums are: Museo Internazionale delle Ceramiche in Faenza, Museo di San Domenico and Museo Gypsotheca Antonio Canova and Museo Carlo Zauli).
The 35-hour workshop lasts from 9.00 to 17.00 on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday and from 9.00 to 16.00 on Sunday.
Included in the Workshop cost:
35 hours of teaching | all the necessary materials | perfectly equipped studio
Teacher: Marco Malavolti
Download the full program in pdf
To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.
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Download the full program in pdf
To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.
09-10 Febbraio 2019
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Download the full program in pdf
To confirm your inscription you have to make a bank transfer of a deposit or the total amount.
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Download the application form in pdf Download the program in pdf